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Kari's Healing Space

BodyTalk&Wellness by Kari Beyer




Through my own healing I have found a way to help others through their struggles.  I work with  words, art, Body Talk and Access Consciousness. Through healing words and observation we can find a path to heal.


 Releasing limiting beliefs  can give us a better understanding of who we are and help us have healthier relationships with others and ourselves. Opening our hearts and listening to our innate knowing is a big part of loving and trusting ourselves.



Healing Circle committing to the nature



Healing Session 

Sessions are unique for each person. Using the tools of Body Talk, Access Consciousness, art and words I am able to help people find a way out of their pain and stress in life. By working on the subconscious level, the client is able to release limiting beliefs that have been holding them back. Our body knows how to heal itself. Through observation, Body Talk and Access techniques the client is able to get out of fight and flight mode and bring the body back to rest and repair. 

Art Sessions

Art sessions are similar to the healing/ Body Talk session using what is priority for your body. The session will also include the realizations that come from the art work.


Distance Sessions

   Remote or distance sessions work the exact same way as an in-person session. Using the techniques of Body Talk we are able to have treatment that is just as powerful with the convenience of not interrupting your busy life. It has been proven that many people have a knowing of things that are happening far away from them. The science of quantum physics helps explain this further. Using these techniques we are able to make lasting changes.


Kari's Blog



I have gone to Kari a couple of times and have always felt great after sessions: relaxed, whatever I was stressing about would be gone, and I left with more clarity.  One of the last times I had a session, it was a distance one, I was super congested and had a bad cold.  For the rest of the day my sinuses were draining like crazy.  It was such a huge relief and definitely shortened up the time I would have been sick for.  I am a pretty busy person and can’t really afford a lot of sick time so I am pretty thankful this helped out so much. – Katie

I have a hard time opening up to others about my past, but I know I need to deal with a lot of stuff with past as it affects my relationship with my wife.  After my sessions with Kari there is always an immediate improvement with our relationship that lasts.  This is a less painful way to deal with my past issues than dragging them through painful therapy.  I also have been told that I am not so negative so that’s nice too. –Jesse

Holding space for the healing to take place

Contact & Booking

Kari Beyer


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